Stephen Kirschner

Stephen Kirschner

Stephen Kirschner


Stephen Kirschner was raised in a strong Christian home and at a very early age made a commitment to follow Christ.  He attended Christian grade and high schools, and developed a strong interest and foundation in theology.

Stephen attended Hillsdale College, and worked in local government in Michigan for much of his twenties.  He will admit this was his "wilderness" time, where he struggled in matters of faith and obedience.  He credits the Lord with sending him to Regent University to study law.  At Regent, he met his wife, Bethany, and experienced a time of renewal in his relationship with the Lord.

Stephen and Bethany got married and moved to Richmond in 2010.  They began attending Freedom Fellowship Church in 2012, where Stephen started teaching youth Sunday School and then adult Sunday School.  Stephen works for the Commonwealth of Virginia and he and Bethany live in Montpelier with their four children, Evangeline (Eva), Sylvie, Stephen and Zeke.

Freedom Fellowship Church

15010 Scotchtown Road, Montpelier, VA, 23192

